GPA: 3.14
Honors/achievements: 2014-2015 All A Student, 2014-2015 Homecoming Queen, America’s Homecoming Queen Arkansas Representative, Student Council President, My Fair Ladies Club President, and AVID Representative
Colleges accepted to: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas State University, Arkansas Tech University and Pulaski Technical College
College attending: University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Career goal:My career goal is to use speech communication to inform the world of the improvement needed to excel not only academically but physically and emotionally. I plan to show the world the care and love it needs to turn not only my generation into history makers, but define an extravagant and lovely world to live in.
Favorite memory from high school: My favorite memory of high school is winning Homecoming Queen. The moment can be summed up by nervousness and excitement. When they announced my name as 2014-2015 J A Fair Homecoming Queen, an approving and happy uproar of my peers and family made the moment one of my favorite memories from high school.
Favorite quote:“We all have dreams, but in order to make dreams come into reality it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” -Unknown