8 Events for Weekend Family Fun: Baseball, Books and Insects!

The Little Rock Zoo recently became home to a family of South African penguins, a newborn gorilla and a mother-daughter pair of cheetahs.
Families can enjoy Breakfast with the Big Cats at the Little Rock Zoo this weekend.
Enjoy the last weekend in July at one of these family-friendly events! Kids can take part in a free, on-field baseball clinic taught by the Arkansas Travelers this weekend. Or, expand your home library with finds from the the CALS Used Book Sale. Or, learn about nature at Pinnacle Mountain and the Little Rock Zoo. Here are our top 8 events for families in central Arkansas for the weekend of July 25-27.
1. Arkansas Travelers vs. Tulsa Drillers at Dickey-Stephens Park: Enjoy this four-day series from July 24-27 at Dickey Stephens as the Travs take on the Drillers. Don't miss the first ever Clunker Boat Night on July 25; guests can win a boat, which will float! On July 26, arrive early to get an autograph from two Travelers players. The players will hang out with fans from 10 minutes after the gates open to 25 minutes before the start of the game. And, on Sunday, July 27, kids can take part in a free, on-field baseball clinic taught by Travs players and coaches. The workshop begins an hour and 40 minutes before the game. Sunday is also $10 Family Sunday, and families can enter the ballpark for just $10 when they bring a church bulletin to the box office. Game tickets are $4-12. For info: (501) 664-1555, Travs.com.
2. FOCAL Used Book Sale at CALS Main Library: It's time for another used book sales at the Central Arkansas Library System's main branch in downtown. The book sale, which will include $1 hardbacks and $0.50 paperbacks, includes fiction, mystery, romance, science fiction, children's, cookbooks, sports, travel, and many more. Teachers and librarians with an organizational ID will get an extra 25 percent off purchases in the basement. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. July 25-26, 1-4 p.m. July 27. For info: (501) 918-3000, CALS.org.
3. 53rd Young Arkansas Artists Exhibition at Arkansas Arts Center: This weekend is your last chance to see this annual children's art exhibition, showcasing artwork by Arkansas students in grades K-12. In 2013, teachers from 127 schools across Arkansas submitted 508 works for consideration. Of those, 102 works were selected for inclusion in the exhibition. On view through July 27. For info: (501) 372-4000, ArkansasArtsCenter.org. FREE!
4. Breakfast with Big Cats or Rhinos at Little Rock Zoo: Enjoy a delicious breakfast buffet in Cafe Africa and a unique keeper chat. This weekend, families can choose to learn about rhinos or big cats. Ticket price includes admission for the day. $21.95, children $16.95; members $16.95, member children $12.95. 8-9:30 a.m. July 26. For info: (501) 661-7218, LittleRockZoo.com.
5. Inspect an Insect Weekend at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Ninety-five percent of all living creatures are insects! Spend the weekend learning about the different types of insects in the park, including water bugs, honeybees and dragonflies. Visit park website for full list of events. July 26-27. For info: (501) 868-5806, ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain. FREE!
6. Saturday Workshop: Shark Attack! at Arkansas Arts Center: Students ages 10-14 will study sharks in their natural habitat and create their own original shark scene watercolor painting. $55, members $44. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. July 26. For info: (501) 372-4000, ArkansasArtsCenter.org.
7. Back to School Bash at Agape Church Family Life Center: Celebrate back to school with free backpacks and school supplies for the first 150 children! Kids can also bounce in a giant inflatable house, snack on hot dogs and more. 6-7:30 p.m. July 27. For info: (501) 225-0612, ACLR.org. FREE!
8. Open House at North Little Rock City Hall: On Sunday, history lovers can tour the North Little Rock City Hall in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the laying of the building's cornerstone. Learn about plans for the building, which was completed and opened to the public in 1915. Visitors will be able to visit with city officials and historians, and see a new photo exhibit in City Hall. Refreshments will be provided by members of the North Little Rock Woman's Club. 3-5 p.m. July 27. For info: (501) 975-8617. FREE!
For more weekend events, browse our full online calendar here.