Gone Fishing: 5 Free Fishing Derbies, Workshops and More

The weather is warm and the fish are nibbling! Whether you're a pro or a novice, you can enjoy the sport of fishing this weekend at a family-friendly event. Children can attend special fishing derbies, and the whole family can learn about fishing at special workshops. Plus, all of the following events are totally free!
10th Annual Youth Fishing Derby at Burns Park: This event is a fun-filled morning of fishing for youth and their families at the Burns Park Covered Bridge. BYO poles, tackle boxes and bait. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. Event is 9-11 a.m. June 13. For info: (501) 753-7307, NLRPR.org. FREE!
Family Summer Camp at Bass Pro Shops: Crafts for the kids, fishing casting challenge in a catch and release pond, BB gun shooting range, an archery arcade, and ice cream on Saturdays. Have your child's photo taken free of charge for the cover of Bass Pro Shops Outdoor Kids magazine and get a free download. Noon-5 p.m. June 14-15. For info: (501) 954-4500, BassPro.com. FREE!
Lil' Wild Ones: "Know Fish, Go Fish" at Central Arkansas Nature Center: Learn about fish and their underwater world. Lil Wild Ones is held on the second Saturday at 2 p.m. every month for hands-on, nature-related activities for kids 4-8 years old. 2 p.m. June 14. For info: (501) 907-0636,
CentralArkansasNatureCenter.com. FREE!
Mountain Fishin' Derby at Petit Jean Mountain State Park: Calling all fisherboys and girls! Bring your own bait and tackle and report to Petit Jean for a casting contest, too. The derby is open to children ages 15 and under. Fish are stocked and door prizes provided by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. June 14. For info: (501) 727-5441, PetitJeanStatePark.com. FREE!
Youth Fishing Derby at Degray Lake Resort State Park: Grab your fishing poles and head to the Golf Course Pond #7, which will be stocked with hundreds of catfish. Only kids ages 5-12 are allowed to fish, which means dads can kick back and watch their youngsters reel in the big ones. Participants must bring their own bait, tackle and rod. Prizes awarded. Co-sponsored by the AR Game and Fish Commission. 8-11 a.m. June 15. For info, click here. FREE!
For more events, browse our full online calendar here.