New Train Debuts at Little Rock Zoo June 7

The Little Rock Zoo and the Arkansas Zoological Foundation will debut the zoo's brand-new train this weekend to the delight of young visitors. The grand opening for the Arkansas Diamond Express will be at 10 a.m. on Saturday (June 7), immediately following the Cheetah Chase 5K Family Fun Run.
The new train will chug out of the Little Rock Zoo Train Depot with a few special guests, including Arkansas First Lady Ginger Beebe, State Senator David Johnson, State Representative Allen Kerr, Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola and others.
Little Rock Zoo members can attend a special sneak peek party from 6-8 p.m. on Friday (June 6). Members will enjoy hot dogs, chips and ice cream, as well as free rides on the train and the carousel. Children will receive free train whistles. Reservations are not necessary, but members must bring their membership cards and a photo ID. For more info on how to become a member of the Little Rock Zoo, click here.
Plus, this Saturday and Sunday (June 7-8) is Hiland Dairy Family Weekend at the Little Rock Zoo. The special promotion includes a discounted entry of $9 per person, which is regularly the children's price only. Families can also take advantage of two-for-one ice cream specials.
Little Rock Family visited the zoo earlier this week to see the train for ourselves--our photographer even took a ride with the Little Rock Zoo staff!
Photos by Tyler Rosenthal.