4 Floral Events: Wye Mountain Daffodils, Tulips at Garvan and More

If you ask us, spring cannot get here fast enough. We can't wait for consistently warm, sunny days...and to see flowers popping up around Arkansas. To celebrate the longer days, here are four floral festivals happening over the next month!
Note: Please make sure these beauties are blooming before you head out and about with the family. Because of the extreme cold we've had this winter, dates may be delayed. Most of these event organizers will be posting updates on their Facebook pages as the flowers start blooming.
March 14-16
46th Annual Jonquil Festival at Historic Washington State Park -- This three-day festival heralds the arrival of spring in Southwest Arkansas. Thousands of jonquils welcome craftspeople, entertainers, and visitors to the town of Historic Washington. Unique crafts and delicious foods are just part of the attractions from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. March 14-15, then again from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 16. Tours of the park, historic homes, and museums are available at regular price; $5 parking; festival free. For info: HistoricWashingtonStatePark.com.
Through March 31
35th Annual Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival at Wye United Methodist Church -- Daffodil blooms haven't been spotted yet, but once they start blooming, you'll have seven acres of over 30 varieties of Daffodills to view, photograph and walk through. On weekends, enjoy arts & crafts, BBQ, cobblers, and other food concessions and soft drinks. Daffodils are $1 per dozen. Entry free; donations accepted. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. while Daffodills are in bloom. For info: Facebook.com/DaffodilsOnWyeMountain.
Through April 19
Daffodil Days at Garvan Woodland Gardens -- Dance through the gardens and admire more than 250,000 daffodils in various shades of yellow. These happy blooms make their annual appearance at different times each year; call the Garden for peak bloom times (through mid-March). Open daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. $10, seniors $9, children ages 6-12 $5, and children 5 and under free. For info: (501) 262-9606, GarvanGardens.org.
April 1-30
Tulip Extravaganza at Garvan Woodland Gardens -- Garvan's 135,000 vibrant tulips put on a show during this annual event. To complement the tulips, beautiful hyacinths, daffodils, azaleas, and dogwood blossoms make a lovely and fragrant display. The flowers are at their pique between mid-March and mid-April. Bloom times vary according to temperatures and rainfall. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $10, ages 6-12 are $5, under 6 free. For info: (501) 262-9606, GarvanGardens.org.