Daffodil Days at Garvan Gardens Coming Soon

We were informed that because of the extremely cold winter season we've had, the daffodils at Garvan Woodland Gardens have yet to bloom.
February typically plays host to Daffodil Days where the public can stop by to feast their eyes on the colorful array of early blooming happy daffodil that make their appearance at the botanical gardens, 550 Arkridge Road, Hot Springs.
Many will be concentrated on the Three Sisters of Amity Daffodil Hill on Warren's Woodland Walk in the center of the main garden grounds, as well as at the Trapp Mountain Overlook and on the Twin Rock Ridges Trail.
Stay posted on when the daffodils will be making their colorful appearance on the grounds here.
Get a look at other colorful flowers at the garden grounds of Garvan Woodland Gardens daily from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Admission is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors, $5 for children ages 6-12 and free for children ages up to 5 years old.
For more information about what’s blooming at Arkansas’ Botanical Garden, call (501) 262-9300 or click here.