When Christmas Means Moore: Keeping Time with the Justin Moore Family
Hanging out with the Moore family feels much like spending time with any family with young children. There’s a whirl of activity. Parents are tending to tasks from their mental checklists, all the while carrying on a conversation with intermittent stops and starts, brushing hair, tidying up the kitchen and reminding little ones to eat their breakfast.
The Moore family is close-knit, warm, gracious, humble and NORMAL. Their authenticity shines through their words and actions. Their focus is on their family not fame, which could be challenging since Justin, 29, has had several hit songs and is now nominated for the 2013 American Country Awards Artist of the Year and Single of the Year in both Breakthrough Artist categories. “You have to have your priorities in order. God and family come first. The business stuff is after that. We realize how blessed we are and the position we are in. It could be gone tomorrow,” says wife Kate, 30.
Justin and Kate have been married for six years and together for 12. They have two daughters, Ella Kole Moore, 3, and Kennedy Faye Moore, 2. One of my favorite moments from my time at the Moore’s photo shoot was when Ella was telling me about her plans to visit the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique when her family goes to Disney World in January. I felt like I was sitting in on one of those AT&T commercials with all of the adorable kids who say cute and funny things.
Justin and Kate Moore make the fame and frenzy look feasible. Here, the dynamic duo shares how they make it all work and what means the most to them.
Little Rock Family: How did the two of you meet?
KM: We met in Panama City while we were on our senior trip in 2002. I am from Houma, LA, right outside of New Orleans and Justin is from Poyen, AR. We each went there with friends and our condos shared a balcony. We all ended up hanging out with each other for that week. When Justin and I returned home, we broke up with our girlfriend and boyfriend at the time. We’ve been together ever since. I have asked Justin what he would do if Ella brought a boy home from senior trip. His (serious-kidding) response was “She won’t, because she won’t be going on senior trip.”
LRF: How has your relationship evolved?
KM: When we first started dating, we lived apart. It was hard at times, but I think it was God’s way of preparing us for what was ahead.
Because his career got started after we were together, we have grown and experienced all of these “firsts” together. Due to the fact that he was not an overnight success and his career was built on a steady incline, our relationship has taken the same path.
As far as becoming parents, we have become less selfish, more patient and understanding. Since having children, I also think we have grown closer and more understanding of each other.
LRF: How do you balance children and career?
KM: We look at it like Justin has a job just like any other father. He goes to work and then he comes home. If he is gone for long periods of time, we go with him. Two weeks is the longest we like to be apart. When he is gone, he calls us every morning when he wakes up and talks to me and the girls. I’ll call him when the girls go to bed so they can say goodnight and “I love you.” He’ll call me after his shows when he is going to bed. That’s when we talk about our day and what went on. When he is home, we do everything like any other family. He may take Ella to dance or gymnastics, or we’ll all go to the grocery store together. We all love to do everything together.
LRF: How were you raised and what type of parents are you?
JM and KM: We want our girls to be raised like we were raised. Our parents expected a lot out of us and taught us to also expect a lot out of ourselves. We believe in disciplining our children when necessary and rewarding them for good behavior. We raise them to be respectful and polite to others as well as themselves.
JM: My mom and dad led by example in every facet of life. They are great parents, great spouses to each other and great Christians.
KM: My mom raised my older sister and me as a single parent until she married my stepfather. She worked two jobs and put herself through school. We never even knew how hard she worked. We always had everything we needed. She always put us first and made us feel like we were princesses. My stepdad was my father figure. He raised us and always made us feel like we were his from the beginning. They are my role models.
LRF: How has your family inspired your music?
JM: It has changed me as a person. As a songwriter you write about what you know. So, it has changed me as an artist as well. It makes being able to share it with my girls all more special.
LRF: How do you handle the pressures of fame as a family?
KM: Sometimes the girls go from sleeping in their bed to sleeping in their bunk on the bus. They wake up some mornings and we all eat breakfast and watch cartoons as a family at home. Then the next morning we may wake up and be in Chicago eating breakfast in the catering tent with the band. When we are on the road, Justin and I still put them to bed the same way and at the same time every night. We try to keep as much of a routine as we can. I will say though it has taught us to be flexible and to adapt to any situation.
They know Justin sings and has shows. But, I don’t think they understand the “famous” part. Since they were babies, we have traveled with Justin. This is their normal.
LRF: What would be your advice on balancing family and a demanding career?
KM: My best advice would be to take it one day at a time. If he is gone long periods of time, I can’t look at the “14 days” or whatever it may be. I would be lying if I said it was easy or that I didn’t get lonely. But, for me if I just take each day and face it head on and tackle it, it’s much better. And before we know it, it’s time for him to come home!
Also, don’t give in to any outside pressures. I don’t read any social media. Everyone who’s not in your situation has an opinion, or likes to tell us what we should or shouldn’t do. You just can’t listen to any outside “trash.” I have been with him for 12 years. We have had our issues and problems just like any other couple. That’s what marriage is. You have good days and then there are bad days. But, we work through them. The bond and promise we made when we got married was between us and God. No one else.
LRF: What are your hopes and dreams for your children?
KM: That they lead normal lives just like every other boy and girl. Also, to be healthy and good Christians.
LRF: What closing thoughts would you like to share with our readers?
JM and KM: We are very private. When home and out of the limelight, we just want to be normal people like everyone else. We are very close to our families. Our perfect Sunday would be going to church, riding four-wheelers all day and then eating family dinner at Justin’s grandmaw’s. We are so blessed and want to say a huge thanks to Arkansas for all the support and love over the years.