Summer Safety: Fighting the Summer Rash of Itches, Bites and Scratching

The world is a vibrant place to explore during the summer. Nature also has a way of exploring us. Here are five ways to soothe your kids when Mother Earth decides to take a bite.
• Keep first aid cabinets stocked and ready for action. Outdoor activities can lead to bug bites, boo-boos, and poison ivy. Keep a stash of bandages of varying shapes and sizes, antibiotic ointment, peroxide, anti-itch treatments, age-appropriate antihistamines, pain relievers, ice packs, cotton balls and swabs, medical adhesive tape, eye wash, tongue depressors, latex gloves, gauze pads, and alcohol wipes.
• Keep a first-aid kit fully stocked and on hand when away from home.
• Hand washing is a must before tending injuries.
• Poison ivy and oak can spread by direct skin contact but also by leaving their oils on clothing. Wash clothing, skin and under nails. Over-the-counter medications can be effective, but consulting a doctor is a good idea.
• Keep family-friendly bug spray on hand. Read labels carefully. Always avoid faces and inhalation. Treat bites immediately and discourage scratching, which can cause infection and scarring.
For more on how to step over summer obsticles, click here to read our Summer Safety One Stop section in the digital edition of this month's Little Rock Family.