I'm so grateful for everyone who helps us craft Little Rock Family every month. Sometimes it feels like we’re those early pilgrims aboard the Mayflower navigating the treacherous waters of the icy Atlantic while on our mission to provide great resources and information for families here in central Arkansas. Each shipmate (or staff member) has a vital role in keeping the ship afloat and staying on course. We lean on one another and learn from mistakes, just as a healthy family should do.

Arkansas Business Editor Gwen Moritz gave me a great piece of advice when I became Little Rock Family Editor. She wisely stated, “Never look back at previous issues dwelling on how you wish you had done something differently or picking out mistakes. Just learn and look ahead.” Pure gold! When we dwell on the past and don’t learn from it, we can never move forward. Your ship will never make any progress on its journey. Thank you, Gwen!

I absolutely adore Thanksgiving…the premise for it, the history of it, the whole idea of it! Showing gratitude and thankfulness even for the smallest gestures or blessings in everyday life is beneficial to the giver and receiver. Gratitude is a powerful feeling that creates a rush of endorphins. It lifts you up. Allow yourself to feel gratitude, cultivate it, and make it a habit in your life. Teaching your children to show gratitude is a lifelong lesson that will serve them well emotionally and physically. You can do this by helping them list things they’re thankful for each day, writing thank you notes, practicing how to say thank you, and saying positive things genuinely to others. Also help kids understand it is important to say “You’re welcome.” It helps others know you appreciate the fact that they expressed their thanks.

This Thanksgiving, I am especially grateful for Associate Editor Blair Tidwell. She is the first mate of the Little Rock Family ship. We would definitely run aground without her. Although I am old enough to be her mother, she is wise beyond her years, highly talented, and laughs at all of my stupid jokes. Each month we work diligently to pull together stories we feel will be of the most benefit to Arkansas families.

Cover to cover; this issue holds a wide range of wonderful resources and stories. Chef Michael Selig and his family share mouthwatering recipes. Sink your teeth into the first installment of our holiday gift guide, along with ideas for family nutrition and family fun. Don’t miss Special Family, the college prep guide, ages and stages section, and much more! Happy Thanksgiving from our Little Rock Family to yours. Remember, we’re here for you!