Spooky Places

Whether your family wants to bob for apples or run screaming from zombies, central Arkansas in October is filled to the (cauldron) brim with entertainment for families. Check out Little Rock Family's comprehensive lists of all the fun, divided into local Pumpkin Patches & Family Farms, Spooky Events, and Halloween Parties & Fall Festivals.
Spooky Events
19th Annual Knights of Columbus Haunted Halloween Hayride at Immaculate Heart of Mary—Bring the family on a fall hayride to experience all the ghoulish frights of Halloween. Little trick-or-treaters will also enjoy food and games. Bring a non-perishable food item for Hope Ministry food pantry and receive $1 off ticket price. All proceeds to benefit Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Marche Knights of Columbus. $7, children ages 6-12 $4, children ages 5 and under free. Oct. 26 & 27; 7-11 p.m. For info: (501) 851-2763, IHMKCHauntedHayride.com.
Arkansas Urban Legends Haunted House in North Little Rock—Tread lightly through this haunted house based on myths from the Natural State. Held at 5204 Crystal Hill Road in North Little Rock. $13. Oct. 11-Nov. 3; 7-11 p.m. Thu.-Sun. (weekend hours are extended based on crowd-size). For info: (501) 398-3327.
Fear on Fourth Street—This Halloween haunted house benefits the North Little Rock Police Athletic League, and will be open 7-11 p.m. Oct. 19, 20, 26, 27, 29 and 30. The Police Athletic League is a nonprofit that provides sports and other services to children at no cost. $8 per person. Located at 204 E. Fourth St. (at Poplar St.), North Little Rock. For info: (501) 791-8504.
Haunted Cathedral at EMOBA—EMOBA, The Museum of Black Arkansans & Performing Arts Center hosts its 19th Annual Haunted Cathedral Fundraiser. This event uses both local actors and animatronics to give patrons the most scare for their buck. Call ahead to ensure your child is mature enough to withstand the spine-tingling thrills. Opening weekend $10, Oct. 17-30 $15, Halloween night $20. Open Oct. 12-31; 7:30 p.m. For info: (501) 372-0018, EMOBA.org.
Haunted Evening Tour in Little Rock—This tour departs from the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, said to be one of the most haunted places in the South. Your guide reveals stories some of the city’s most haunted locations,funeral customs of the 19th Century and how they relate to modern day beliefs, and more. Some of the sights on the tour include: The Empress of Little Rock; Curran Hall; Mount Holly Cemetery; The Baker House Bed and Breakfast and The Hanger House. Appropriate for ages 13 and up. $30. Through Nov. 2; 7 p.m. Fri. For info: 681-3857, HauntedToursOfLittleRock.com.
Tales of the Crypt at Mount Holly Cemetery—Join the Parkview Arts Science Magnet High School acting classes and the Parkview Jazz Ensemble as they present this annual visit with famous Arkansans interred in the historic Mount Holly Cemetery. One-hour candlelight tours begin every five minutes from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Donations are accepted to benefit Mount Holly Cemetery. Oct. 9; 5:30-8:30 p.m. For info: (501) 529-3802. FREE!
Zombie Walk Food Drive at Two Rivers Bridge—Support the Arkansas Foodbank at Zombie Walk Food Drive. Participants are asked to dress in zombie gear and bring at least four canned goods (no brains, please!). All food collections will go to the Arkansas Foodbank. Pets and families are welcome. Oct. 21; 5-7 p.m. For info: (501) 569-4318, ArkansasFoodbank.org. FREE!
Follow these links for more Halloween fun!