The goals of most yard sales: To make money and to get rid of stuff you don't want -- not necessarily in that order.

Here are suggestions from the website and other sources on how to do both with a minimum of fuss.

1. You can often make more money, and get rid of more stuff, by putting low prices on items. Mark a price on everything make sure it's easy to see.

2. Advertise your sale on websites, free newspaper ads, and big legible signs in the neighbhorood.

3. Stock up on cash before the sale -- a roll of quarters, a stack of $1 bills and a few $5 bills. Keep the money with you. Don't use a cash box.

4. Give some thought into how to arrange your sale to make it appear inviting and easy to browse.

5. Consider the customer. Make sure prices are clearly marked, displays are accessible and there's a flow to allow people to move around. 

6. Play some quiet background music -- whatever is appropriate for your audience. 

7. If you're selling electrically powered items, arrange to have a plugged-in extension cord nearby so people can test them. Same for battery powered items -- you'll need batteries for shoppers to tell if they work. Having original packaging and instruction manuals is a bonus that might net you more money.

8. Save up a stash of grocery store bags for purchases. Keep a stack of newspapers around to wrap breakable items.

9. Post a large sign that says All Sales Final.

10. Have a pitcher or jug of cold water and paper cups available for shoppers.  

To view 50 suggestions on how to make your garage sale sizzle from the website click here