Pitch a tent in the backyard, a campground or other outdoor space for the Great American Backyard Campout Saturday (June 23).

The national event, sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, encourages families to get outside and spend a night under the stars. The outdoors overnighter is part of the organization's "Be Out There" movement, which has a goal to get 10 million kids to play outdoors over the next three years.

Register your campout on the NWF website and receive campfire recipes, nocturnal wildlife guides, songs and games, nature activities and more. Plus you'll be able to help raise funds for NWF's conservation programs and enter to win prizes, including tents and other camping supplies, or a trip to New York or Los Angeles.

Not sure where to start? Check out our guide to introducing young children to camping or click here for tips from NWF on packing lists, pitching a tent, campfire and wildlife safety and more.