Inside the February 2012 Edition of Little Rock Family

Balance, schmalance. A wise friend of mine once said that to me when I asked her how she balanced her career as a writer and mother to three children. It was a nice wake-up call for me, as I typically run around crazy trying to keep all my balls up in the air, constantly worrying I'm not doing anything to the best of my ability.
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Publisher. Editor. Volunteer. Trying to wear all those hats is overwhelming sometimes, so I try to keep a good sense of humor and be grateful for the abundance.
This edition of Little Rock Family is tailored for all the moms who work outside the home. Our cover story features local social media darling and public relations professional Natalie Ghidotti, who shares tips for working parents on how to maximize social media and branding to promote themselves personally and professionally.
We also have tips for moms thinking of returning to a workforce that has changed drastically in the last few years.
I'm very excited to introduce you to the 2012 Class of Mothers on the Move. Selected by a team of Arkansas Business Publishing Group editors, these professional women balance (there's that word again!) work, family and community with aplomb. They inspire us, and we hope you'll find their stories inspiring too.
Also, don't miss our Ages & Stages section, featuring articles on colic relief for babies and parents, mobile apps to make parenting easier, helping your young student stay organized and tips for raising respectful tweens.
Plus we have feature stories on the beautiful production of Shen Yun Performing Arts coming Feb. 27-28 and Bowl for Kids Sake benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas.
You can pick up a copy of our February edition in 625 locations across central Arkansas. And visit us online at for more ideas and information for your family.