Race in Catholic High's 7th Annual Rocket 5K this Saturday

More than 600 participants of all ages and skill levels are expected for the race in this year’s 5K Race and a 3K Walk. Come early to warm up for the race with Catholic High alumni, Pool Boy, and music provided by Alice 107.7 FM. Plus, refuel at the finish line with lots of food and drinks. All participants will receive a Rocket 5K t-shirt and race bag containing gift items from our sponsors and other generous supporters.
The proceeds from the Rocket 5K benefit the Catholic High School Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to provide need-based tuition assistance and to supplement teachers’ salaries in order to attract and retain the best and the brightest educators. “Providing deserving boys the opportunity to attend Catholic High makes the Rocket 5K a worthy community event. And thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and volunteers, the race has grown every year,” said April Findlay, Race Chair.
The 5K begins at 8 a.m. and the 3K walk begins shortly after at 8:05 a.m. Both events start and finish at Catholic High School, with onsite registration beginning at 6:30 a.m.
Individual registration is $20 before April 9, $25 after April 9, and Youth registration (8th grade and younger) is $15. You can register online at RocketAlumni.com, Catholic High School, Go! Running Store, or ArkansasRunner.com. For more information, call 664-4625.