Body Back Week 7: Kicks

I've learned another valuable lesson about exercise: Shoes make a world of difference.
When I started Body Back almost seven weeks ago, I was wearing running shoes that were so old I don't even remember when or where I purchased them. By the third week, my knee was constantly sore. Whenever I tried to run, each step with my left leg was misery. My instructor Susan agreed with my husband that it was probably time for a new pair of kicks. So I bit the bullet and headed to Go! Running in the Heights.
To be honest, I'm not a shopper. I know many women love it, but I dread it. Whenever it's time to invest in new clothes, I have to take a friend along to dull the pain and help me make choices. This time, my daughter Emily accompanied me, which is like having a professional shopper along for the ride. Girl's got style and no regard for what things cost, which is a dangerous combination.
The staff watched me walk and determined that I needed a shoe with moderate stability, whatever that means. The absolutely darling young man with piercing blue eyes (not that I noticed!) who assisted me brought out four different pairs for me to try on, which is three more than I ever try on of anything. I smiled, laughed and tried to appear like I actually knew what I was doing when it came to choosing running shoes.
Without any regard to price, I settled on a pair of Nikes that make me feel like I'm walking on air. I choked when I got my receipt: $165!? I've never spent that much on one single item in my life. Okay, that's hyperbole, but I know it's been years. I spent gross amounts on my clothes and accessories when I was single and newly married with no children. But it's been a very long time since I've invested in anything like that for myself.
My aches and pains are gone -- aside from the ever-present sore muscles from all the squats, lunges, shuttle runs, supermoms, tricep dips, etc. I started training for a 5K later this month with no ill effects on my 40-year old joints. And in class last week I ran the .5 mile warmup much faster than I had three weeks before. Who knew shoes could be so powerful?
But it's more than the shoes. Once again, I'm discovering that it's OK for a harried working mom to invest in herself. I've decided to run a tab:
- New pair of running shoes: $165
- New workout clothes at Target: $40
- Weekly supply of Luna bars: $7.50 (best snack ever!)
- Getting to look in the mirror at an emerging new me: Priceless
Read more about Jennifer's Body Back experience here:
Week Four: FAQs (Or "Why yes, I am sore, thank you for asking")