Inside the April Issue of Little Rock Family

Can you believe it's time to think about the summer?
Summers are hard on the Pyron family. With two working parents and two kids out of school, it's always a juggling act. We've been busy choosing overnight camps, sports camps and weekly classes so they'll have plenty to do once school is out in May. I'm leaving room in the schedule for down time, which I feel is extremely important, but I also know they'll get bored very quickly if I don't have a plan.
Like many of you, it takes me a good month to do all the legwork to plan our summer. There's online research, phone calls and registration forms to fill out and drop off. It's a hassle.
But what if there were one day in April when you could register your children for local summer camps and classes all in one day?
Now there is. Little Rock Family will host YES! (Youth Enjoying Summer), our first summer camp fair and sports expo, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. April 30. Sponsored by Windstream and St. Vincent's Health System, the event brings together a great group of exhibitors, offering everything from general day camps and overnight camps to specialized enrichment classes and sports lessons.
Parents can register their children for summer camps and classes on the spot. Children will quite literally have a ball on the field, trying out soccer, football, baseball, basketball and golf in friendly competitions and skills sessions.
General admission is $5 and tickets for the competitions are $2 each. Proceeds from the event will be divided between five local youth sports organizations: Junior Deputy, LifeCHAMPS, Greater Little Rock Boys & Girls Clubs, First Tee of Central Arkansas and YMCA.
Also in this edition you'll find our comprehensive list of summer camps and classes, plus tips for families with afirst-time camper. And for all you out there with young athletes, we offer some guidelines for preventing injuries.
I hope to see you at War Memorial Stadium April 30. Until then, good luck planning your summer!