Body Back Week Two: Time is My Gremlin
I'm quite proud to say that I survived my first week of Body Back. I worked out in person with Susan Tuesday and Thursday and on my own three days with the Body Back DVD and Exercise TV videos that Susan recommends each day. I'm much more motivated on in-person workout days. It's going to take extra effort to push myself on the days I'm on my own.
Here's an overview of the fitness portion of the program: Each workout consists of several sets of cardio (running, jumping jacks, squat jumps, etc.), strength (targeting lower or upper body using resistance bands) and core (anything that works your abs, sides or chest). Usually we're hitting multiple muscles at once, like this morning when we wrapped our bands around a light pole for upright rows while balancing on one foot and lifting the other knee into the chest. Let that mental image soak in for a minute and have a good chuckle. It takes coordination to pull this off, people!
My muscles are less sore this week and I can feel myself getting stronger. This morning, I was a tad amazed that I could pull off the Push Up-T-Toe Touch (think pushups on steroids!). I also really like that I'm using my own muscles and body weight to get stronger as opposed to being in a gym with weights and equipment. It's empowering to know that I'm in control of this whole process and that I possess everything I need to be healthy and strong.
While my workout partner and I run shuttle drills in the rain (last Thursday) and sweat through plank jacks in 40-degree weather (today), Susan works with us and motivates us. She talks about the "gremlin" on our shoulders -- the little voice inside all of us that tries to bring us down -- and how we're going to knock him off with positive thinking.
I think most women have a gremlin. It could be the voice that tells you you're not smart enough for grad school or qualified enough for that new job. It could be the voice that makes you feel guilty for having to work instead of staying home with your children or the voice that gives you excuse after excuse of why you can't accomplish your goals.
I've decided time is my gremlin. I can't tell you how many times I say to others and to myself, "I don't have time to exercise." Or "I don't have time to sit down to eat." (Raise your hand if you're guilty of standing at the kitchen counter eating a meal!). Even worse is the voice that tells me "If you were a really good mom, you'd spend more time with your family, not by yourself working out."
But I'm finding out that I do have time. I just have to change my schedule and my habits. I have to ask out loud for the help I need from my husband and the support I need from family and friends. I already feel happier on days I work out, and I can already see how it's making me a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.