New Saline County Moms Share Tips, Advice

My Sunday school class at East Union Missionary Baptist takes growing the church family seriously. In the latter half of 2010, five babies were born and three more are on the way in 2011. Since this edition of Little Rock Family is devoted to all things maternity and baby, I thought it would be interesting to hear what advice the new moms have to share.
What was the one thing you really didn't expect or really surprised you?
“I never thought being a new mommy would be so difficult during the first few weeks. Nothing can prepare you for the lack of sleep you will get and the dependence an infant has on you to take care of them. One morning, after a long night of little sleep, my husband, Martin, got Aubrey dressed without a diaper! Yes, an hour later I had a mess to clean up.” -- Cindy Whitaker
“The one thing that really surprised me was the difference from having children eight years apart. With each child, the medication, how they should sleep and what’s best if they are constipated, all has changed. Do not let them get constipated. If so, try Miralax. If you want something immediate, go with a little apple juice, but only a small amount.
Don’t worry if you’re nursing and your baby all of a sudden goes from dirtying his diaper a few times a day to a few times a week. Some breastfed babies will only potty once a week.” -- Amy Motes
“What really surprised me was how much your hormones affect your emotional ups and downs. This hit me really hard with my first-born, but with our newest addition I was more prepared for the emotional overload. You’re fine one minute, and the next you’re sobbing or just feeling down for no real reason. My husband has been more of a help with our second child. He now knows I just need him to listen so I can purge all of what I'm feeling so I can move on.” -- Amber Long
What would you tell the expecting woman who is heading into the delivery room right now?
“It’s OK to tell visitors that you can’t see them because you are too exhausted and need some privacy. I had so many well-meaning visitors, but I was too exhausted to say hello.” -- Cindy Whitaker
“Make sure you have someone there who can encourage you throughout the experience! I could not have made it without my husband's encouragement and involvement.” -- Anna Tucker
“Even if the birth of your baby doesn’t go as you had planned or hoped for, just remember that in a few days all you’re going to be thinking about is the baby in your arms and not exactly how he/she came into the world.” -- Amanda Thomas
What advice would you give to an expecting father?
“I would tell him to take care of his family. It's the only gift you will ever receive that you can't put a price on.” -- Amy Motes
“Don't try to have all the answers! Just be there for support. Know that you have NO IDEA what she is experiencing, so just listen to her closely. Be present and attentive and let her feel whatever she is feeling. Also know that she doesn't expect you to fix it.” -- Amber Long
What is the best advice you received from someone?
“I was told to let people help me, and I now know how important that is. God didn’t intend for a woman to do this alone. That’s why it takes two to make it happen.” -- Amanda Thomas