We know there are still some holdouts. You know who you are -- folks who, after nine months, still haven’t taken their families to the Arkansas Arts Center to see World of the Pharaohs. This Egyptian history exhibit, which opened in September 2009, will be packed up and shipped home (carefully) to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston after July 5 – so there’s not much time.

As an added incentive for you holdouts (like perusing historic relics from long, long ago isn’t motivation enough), the Arts Center is offering discounted admission and expanded hours of operation.

The center is open on Mondays (it’s usually closed all day) from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adding to the special June Monday hours, visitors will receive reduced admission to World of the Pharaohs – $14. They’re calling these Matinee Mondays. Can’t make it Monday? No worries, the original matinee ticket prices and times -- 1-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday --  still apply.

Beginning June 15, the center will be offering free guided tours of World of the Pharaohs at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily through July 5’s exhibit end. Junior Egyptologist Guides (a one-page booklet with fun exhibition-related activities) will be available to help youth explore the exhibition, too.

Finally, the Arts Center will also be open July 4 weekend (including Monday, July 5). Tickets will be regular price on July 5.