Gettin’ Down for Down Syndrome Oct. 2

The Arkansas Down Syndrome Association will host its sixth annual Gettin’ Down for Down Syndrome dance from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Little Rock Zoo.
More than 800 people from across the state -- and many from outside the state -- are expected to attendt. Special guests include Butch Dicus as Elvis. Dancing and train rides will be followed with a hamburger lunch.
Registration can be done in advance online or from 10 a.m.-noon Oct. 2 at the Zoo. Participation costs $10 per person and includes zoo admission, event entrance, lunch ticket and a train ride. All individuals that have Down syndrome get in free and receive a free T-shirt.
The mission of the Arkansas Down Syndrome Association is to promote comprehensive community based health care services for individuals in Arkansas who have Down syndrome.
For more info call (501) 223-3696 or click here.