Updated: 2020 Holiday Events

Holiday fun is in full swing! Our staff found options for families ready to explore their communities, give back together, nab some great local deals and enjoy at-home fun—or a festive mixture of all of the above.
Stay tuned, we’ll update this list as we find more events.
Out & About
NOTE: Please wear masks and social distance at all in-person events.
Garvan Gardens’ Winter Garden Festival in Hot Springs
A new daytime Winter Garden Festival for families to enjoy holiday lights and the beautiful sights of Garvan Gardens.
Where: Garvan Gardens | 550 Arkridge Road, Hot Springs National Park When: Nov. 21-Dec. 31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cost: $15 for adults, $5 for ages 4-12, free ages 3 & under For info: 501-262-9300, garvangardens.org
Updated: Bernice Garden Tree
Take a selfie (donning masks, of course) and tag The Bernice Garden on facebook or instagram for your chance to win one of three gift cards to a SoMa restaurant. Winners will be announced 12.20.
Check out six can't-miss trees in the metro.
Where: Bernice Garden | 1401 Main St., Little Rock When: Throughout Dec. Cost: Free! For info: BerniceGarden@gmail.com, 501-410-3938
Christmas Carols at Pulaski Heights Baptist Church in Little Rock
Part of Holidays in Hillcrest, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church will give Little Rock families the gift of classic carols.
Where: Pulaski Heights Baptist Church | 2200 Kavanaugh Blvd., Little Rock When: Dec. 3, 6:30 p.m. Cost: Free! For info: facebook
Updated: Funland Winter Wonderland in North Little Rock
Visit Funland for an evening of family fun including train rides, the carousel and more.
Where: Funland | 25 Funland Drive, North Little Rock When: Dec. 10-11 & 18-19, 5-9 p.m. Cost: Free for parents, $5 for children age 2 & older For info: 501-753-7307, bperkins@nlrpr.org
Ugly Sweater 5K in Little Rock
Dig out that ugly holiday sweater and celebrate the best of the season with a healthy dose of physical fitness!
Where: Outlets of Little Rock | 11201 Bass Pro Parkway, Little Rock When: Dec. 12, 7:30-11 a.m. Cost: $40 For info: uglysweaterrace.com
Ballet Arkansas Winter Wonderland in Little Rock
This drive-thru collaboration with the Arkansas Arts Center will bring families on an art-infused journey to the “Land of Sweets.”
Where: Main St., Little Rock When: Dec. 12, 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: Free to the public. RSVP required, register here. For Info: Ballet Arkansas and AAC Facebook pages.
New: How The Grinch Stole Christmas: A Reader's Theater at The Studio Theatre
Families can enjoy a special presentation of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” at their own socially distanced table. Each table will have crafts, activities and an individually wrapped cookie decorating kit for patrons to enjoy.
Where: The Studio Theatre | 320 W. 7th St., Little Rock When: Dec. 12, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Cost: $30/family table, find tickets here. For Info: Studio Theatre facebook
New: Santa Saturdays at the Little Rock Zoo
Go visit Mr. and Mrs. Claws at the the zoo for animal and holiday fun. Check the event calendar for each weekend's special events.
Where: Little Rock Zoo | 1 Zoo Drive, Little Rock When: Dec. 5, 12 and 19, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cost: Included in admission | $12.95 for adults, $9.95 for kids 12-3, free for kids 3 & under For info: littlerockzoo.com/eventcalendar
Christmas Lights with Love at Grace Lutheran Church in Little Rock
Enjoy a drive-thru lights experience complete with free packaged goodies, gifts and Christmas music.
Where: Grace Lutheran Church | 5124 Hillcrest Ave., Little Rock When: Dec. 13, 5 p.m. Cost: Free! For info: facebook
Give Back as a Family
6th Annual Lights on Jupiter Christmas Light Show in North Little Rock
You can take control of 50,000 flashing lights on two decked-out neighboring houses by donating to the Hearts4Holidays project—which supports giving local older adults Christmas presents.
Check out more light displays here!
When: Nov. 28-Jan. 4, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 5:30-10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Lights will not operate in heavy rain. Where: 15401 Szymanski Road, North Little Rock Cost: Free! To control the lights, donations are required. For info: lightsonjupiter.org, facebook
City Year's "Candy, Candy Canes and Cars" Drive-In Movie Screening of "Elf" in Little Rock
Enjoy a drive-in screening of the holiday classic film "Elf" plus holiday music, food trucks with food for purchase and candy canes. Money raised at the event will directly support the work that City Year AmeriCorps Members provide to thousands of students in Little Rock.
When: Dec. 4, Gates open at 6 p.m., movie will begin at 7 p.m. Where: MP Productions Outdoor Cinema | 6700 Allied Way, Little Rock Cost: $50 For tickets and info: website
91st Annual Sausage Supper in Little Rock
This drive-thru event will provide a delicious dinner and a chance for you to give back as a family. Make sure to bring an unwrapped child’s toy for Helping Hand.
Where: Lady of the Holy Souls Church Allen Center Tyler and “I” Streets, Little Rock When: Dec. 5, 11- 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Cost: Adults $10, Children under 12 $5, $30 family maximum For info: facebook
Updated: Junior League of Little Rock's Zoom with Santa, Virtual
Each virtual visit includes a 10-minute zoom session with Santa, a digital letter template and a digital picture of your child's chat. All proceeds support the Junior League’s mission. JLLR added more slots on Dec. 13 for another weekend of fun.
Where: Zoom, email used at time of purchase will be email used for all correspondence. When: Dec. 6, slots are available 10 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; Dec. 13, slots are available from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Cost: $40 For info: jllr.org
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Festival of Stars Toy and Donation Drive in Little Rock
Festival of Stars is your family’s chance to participate in Arkansas Children’s annual, statewide toy and donation drive and radiothon. Make it a family effort, let your kids help pick out and drop off the toys.
Where: Families can drop off donations at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock | 6 Children's Way, Little Rock When: Dec. 11, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. For info: archildrens.org
Angel Tree at the Outlets of Little Rock
Pick an ornament from The Salvation Army Angel Tree in the Food Pavilion at Outlets of Little Rock and purchase the requested gift and help make a child's holiday wish come true.
Where: Outlets of Little Rock | 11201 Bass Pro Pkwy, Little Rock When: Nov. 13-Dec. 13 For info: salvationarmyaok.org/caac
Holiday Blood Drive at Outlets of Little Rock
This holiday season, give the gift of helping others at Outlets of Little Rock's blood drive in partnership with the Arkansas Blood Institute. Appointments can be made by calling 877-340-8777 or visiting ARKBI.org, sponsor code U605. Walk-ins also welcome.
Where: Outlets of Little Rock | 11201 Bass Pro Pkwy, Little Rock When: Dec. 5, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. For info: outletsoflittlerock.com
Fun at Home
Ballet Arkansas Winter Art Exhibition
Calling all k-12 artists. Submit a piece of original art for your chance to be highlighted on Ballet Arkansas social media, to win a commission for Ballet Arkansas 21/22 marketing materials and be awarded a scholarship to the Arkansas Arts Center Museum School.
Submission Timeline: Nov. 1-25 | Winners will be announced January 1 Submission Location: education@balletarkansas.org, subject line “Winter Art Exhibition Entry-Artist Name” For info: balletarkansas.org
Ballet Arkansas: Baking with the Sugar Plum Fairy
Join the Sugar Plum Fairy and together you'll bake holiday cookies and decorate Mother Ginger's gingerbread house! Shopping lists will be sent in advance.
Where: virtual event When: Dec. 4, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: Free, RSVP required and donations suggested For info: website, facebook
New: ASO Virtual Holiday Concert
Cozy up at home as your family joins the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and Broadway's Laura Leigh Turner for a wonderful program full of holiday favorites like "O Holy Night" and "Sleigh Ride," along with winter-themed orchestral works like "Winter" from Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons," featuring concertmaster Kiril Laskarov.
Where: Online event streamed from the Robinson Center When: Dec. 13, 3 p.m. Cost: Free! For info: website, 501-666-1761, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and other Holiday Specials on PBS
Catch Charlie and the gang as they figure out what Christmas is all about. Hot chocolate is not required, but highly recommended.
Where: Find your watching options here When: Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m., for more Christmas fun check the upcoming schedule
New: 12 ACTS of Christmas
Join Argenta Community Theater as they kick off their holiday gift to the community, 12 ACTS of Christmas. Each night leading up to Christmas, a new story will be streamed on their site for all to enjoy.
Where: argentacommunitytheater.org When: Dec. 13-24, 8 p.m. Cost: Free! For info: website
Ballet Arkansas Magic of the Nutcracker Virtual Experience
Join Ballet Arkansas for a virtual experience as they revisit the years of their production of "The Nutcracker Spectacular."
Where: virtual event When: Dec. 18, 7 p.m. Cost: $25 For info: website, facebook
Ballet Arkansas Online Holiday Market
This online market allows families to gift creative, local goodies.
Where: Shop here, Pick up here: Ballet Arkansas | 520 Main Street, Little Rock When: Shopping runs through Nov. 30, Pick up December 5-6 For info: website
Arkansas Craft Guild 42nd Annual Christmas Showcase in Little Rock
Shop handmade arts and crafts by potters, glass artists, jewelers, fiber artists, woodworkers, photographers, home and fashion, plus specialty foods at the premier fine arts and crafts show in Arkansas.
Where: State Fairgrounds Hall of Industry | 2600 Howard St., Little Rock When: Dec. 4, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Dec. 5, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Dec. 6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $5 at the door For info: facebook
Arkansas Arts Center Virtual Museum School Sale
Virtually shop handcrafted items and support local artists at the AAC virtual museum school sale.
Where: Shop here When: Nov. 23-Dec. 18 For info: website
New: The 12th Day of Christmas at Heifer International
Find unique Fair Trade gift items created by artisans from across the globe at this special Shop@Heifer event. Note: masks and social distancing required. Heifer Village Exhibits and the Urban Farm remain closed to the public.
Where: Shop@Heifer | 1 World Ave., Little Rock When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For info: facebook