Festive Forays

While we are focused on at-home activities this holiday season, venturing to a local tree farm or light display are great 2020 activities.
Note: Please follow all ADH guidelines. Mask up and social distance while hunting for the perfect tree or exploring light displays on foot.
Tree Farms
Motley’s Christmas Tree Farm / Little Rock
You can chop down your own tree or choose a “Living Christmas Tree” that can be planted after the holiday season.
Where: 13724 Sandy Ann Drive, Little Rock
When: Nov. 21-Dec. 20, 1-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. Closed Mondays and Thanksgiving.
For info: 501-888-1129, motleystreefarm.com
Papa Santa’s Christmas Tree Farm / Benton
Papa Santa’s is expanding hours, providing pickup and moving their complimentary treats outside to encourage social distancing. Kids can also complete a scavenger hunt for prizes.
Where: 4976 Warford Road, Benton
When: Nov. 6-Dec. 20, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
For info: 501-779-1062, facebook.com
Romance Christmas Tree Farm / Romance
This farm offers a wide variety of trees and professional photography sessions. Call to schedule.
Where: 1260 Hwy. 5 N., Romance
When: Nov. 27-Dec. 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
For info: 501-556-5173, romancechristmastreesfarm.com
Geisler’s Holiday Forest / Jacksonville
This farm grows the Eastern White Pine—hurry to pick yours.
Where: 8817 Dorsey Road, Jacksonville
When: Nov. 28-Dec. 13, 9 a.m.-dusk on Saturdays; 1 p.m. to dusk on Sundays
For info: 501-224-3797
Light Displays
Arkansas State Capitol / Little Rock
The state Capitol will be illuminated at 5:30 p.m. on December 5. You can take in the display through December.
Where: 500 Woodlane St., Little Rock
When: Dec. 5-Jan. 1
For info: 501-682-1010, sos.arkansas.gov
Garvan Gardens Winter Garden Festival / Hot Springs
This daytime attraction will offer families many favorites like the 50-foot Rose Tree, plus access to Evans Children’s Adventure Garden and more.
Where: 550 Arkridge Road, Hot Springs
When: Nov. 21 - Dec. 31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Admission: $15 for adults; $5 for ages 4-12; free for 3 and under
For info: 501-262-9300, garvangardens.org
A Trail of Holiday Lights / Sherwood
Drive through this mile-long trail of lights in Sherwood Forest to spot over 90 brightly-lit displays. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.
Where: 511 Bear Paw Road, Sherwood
When: Nov. 20-Dec. 3, 6-9:30 p.m.
For info: 501-413-8030, cityofsherwood.net