November Fun: Open Air Concert with Ballet Arkansas and ASO

Ballet Arkansas and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra are combining their creative powers to bring Little Rock a refreshing dose of art in a safe, socially-distanced outdoor space. Little Rock patrons are invited to enjoy the music of ASO and the movement of Ballet Arkansas all to the backdrop of one of our city’s many beautiful murals, the Matt McLeod "Koi" Mural.
During the event, Ballet Arkansas dancers will perform three world premiere works set to music presented by ASO. So bundle and mask up for the first of hopefully many art collaborations in our city.
The Details:
When: November 15 | 3 p.m. Where: In front of Matt McLeod's "Beneath the Surface" mural, overlooking a parking lot at Sixth and Main streets in Little Rock. Cost: The event is free but patrons must RSVP. Ticket reservations can be made starting November 9. Guidelines: Masks and social distancing are required. More Information: Ballet Arkansas and ASO Facebook pages.
Ballet Arkansas 2020 Holiday Events
Ballet Arkansas is also filling their 2020 Holiday Event Calendar with family-friendly fun for the holidays. Mark your calendars for:
Online Holiday Market
This online market allows families to gift creative, local goodies.
The Details:
When: Shop November 1-30 | Pick up December 5-6 Where:
Winter Wonderland
This drive-thru collaboration with the Arkansas Arts Center will bring families on an art-infused journey to the “Land of Sweets.”
The Details:
When: December 12 | 1-4 p.m. Where: Main St., Little Rock Cost: Free to the public. RSVP required, registration begins November 18 More Information: Ballet Arkansas and AAC Facebook pages.
Magic of the Nutcracker Virtual Experience
This family-friendly event will feature interviews with BA Artistic Staff, past performers and current company members to deliver the joy of Clara’s magical journey from the comfort of home.
The Details:
When: December 18 | 7 p.m. Cost: $25 More Information: Ballet Arkansas Facebook page and
Winter Art Exhibition
Calling all k-12 artists. Submit a piece of original art for your chance to be highlighted on Ballet Arkansas social media, to win a commission for Ballet Arkansas 21/22 marketing materials and be awarded a scholarship to the Arkansas Arts Center Museum School.
The Details:
Submission Timeline: November 1-25 | Winners will be announced January 1 Submission Location:, subject line “Winter Art Exhibition Entry-Artist Name” More information:
Fun with the Sugar Plum Fairy
Kids can write letters and learn to cook treats with the Sugar Plum Fairy throughout the holiday season.
Letters: November 22-December 20
December 4 | 6:30
Free | RSVP required
More Information: Ballet Arkansas Facebook page and