Virtual Fun: Fall Art Start! Dates

Art Start!, a partnership between the Arkansas Arts Center and CALS, is a program that brings parents, grandparents and caregivers together with their toddler and preschoolers. The fun will include virtual and interactive story time followed by an easy to make art project that can be created at home. Mark your calendar for the program’s three remaining fall events.
The Art Start Fall Calendar
The Dates:
October 21
November 18
December 16
The Time: 10 a.m., or whenever you can join the fun.
Where: Arkansas Arts Center Facebook
Cost: Free!
Even More AAC Fun: Artoberfest 2020
This month, the Arkansas Arts Center also presented a virtual version of their annual Artoberfest. Check out their Youtube channel for video tutorials from their theater department. You just need household items to join in the costume-making, craft-time fun. So whether your kid wants to be a werewolf, a dragon or to try their hand at making a web, there’s a video for that. Check out the fest here.