5 DIY Backyard Games

You don’t have to look far for fun with these easy DIY backyard games. Try these activities after school or during at-home recess!
Simple Bean Bag Toss
After a quick run to the dollar spot for plastic bowls and beanbags, you’re set for a simple, yet challenging game. Bonus: Let kids add up their score for a math challenge.
Via OneMoreMoore.com
Five plastic bowls
Three bean bags
Paper and writing materials
For full instructions, click here.
Backyard Bowling
Warning: you do have to enjoy a Coke or two before you can start this activity. If you can get through that, you can make your own backyard bowling alley.
Pool noodles
Empty aluminum Coke bottles
Yoga mat
Serrated knife
Beach ball
Beans or sand
Optional: water guns
For full instructions, click here.
Exercise Dice
This activity is a fun energy burner that can be done in the backyard or inside on a rainy day. To start, you just need two dice. You can use the printable from the linked post or make up your list and write it on a piece of paper or with sidewalk chalk outside. Bonus: this activity also helps kids sharpen their math skills.
Via TheKeeleDeal.com
Pair of dice
Paper and writing materials or sidewalk chalk
For full instructions, click here.
DIY Flamingo Ring Toss
This ring toss activity has options for people with lots of space or just a little. Either way it’s totally cute and lots of fun.
Plastic flamingos with stakes
Lightweight plastic rings
Optional: Spray paint, planters, rocks, sand or soil
For full instructions, click here.
Pool Noodle Obstacle Course
If your kids are into obstacle course shows like “Wipe Out,” take the fun outside to your own backyard. You can create tunnels, mini hurdles, a ring toss and more with just pool noodles, pencils and duct tape. Let them in on the obstacle designing for a STEM twist.
15 pool noodles
19 sharpened pencils
Duct tape
For full instructions, click here.