Back to School Tips: Navigating New Choices

We asked local districts, schools and tutoring services for their top tips on a successful school year. Whether you go virtual, in-person or take a blended approach, know that educators are rooting your student and your family on.
What is your top tip for the school year?
My top tip for students is also my top tip for parents, teachers, administration, everyone, really: be flexible! No one chose this new reality we're living in and everyone is struggling. Give grace to others and receive grace from others. Beautiful things can come from difficult circumstances.
— The Anthony School Head of Lower School Leah Bushey
How are you approaching this school year?
We will be using Schoology, a Learning Management System (LMS), for both our virtual and our on-site blended learning students this fall. Utilizing a high quality LMS will allow all of our students and families to stay connected. We will also have safeguards in place for on-site students, including daily temperature checks, face masks for all students and staff, alternate meal service arrangements, extra cleaning and sanitizing, as well as social distancing.
— LISA Academy Assistant Superintendent/Director of Communications Luanne Baroni
How can parents support teachers and staff during this season?
Patience, grace and understanding. We are all in this together — every parent, every student, every teacher and district staff member. Let's work as a team to have success as a team. To learn more, the PCSSD website is packed with great resources. Check out the Roadmap to Reopening for all sorts of information.
— PCSSD Executive Director of Communications Jessica Duff
What are some signs that your student needs tutoring — especially in light of the many families going with a virtual option this year?
Don’t just look at grades. Instead, watch your student’s frustration and confidence levels. Learning is a struggle. It is work, but it should be a productive struggle. If your student is spending lots of time in tears or anger, then they may need extra support. A student who used to thrive in a subject and is now avoiding it, cheating through it or saying “I can’t do this” is a student who is losing confidence in what they can do.
— LR Learning Center Owner/Tutor Lisa Romero
What are your top tips for students getting the most out of a blended or virtual option?
Ask for help early and often! It is worth practicing basic skills for 10 to 20 minutes every day. For example, every child above third grade should know their multiplication facts without much difficulty. Students may need live interaction with immediate feedback, which Mathnasium provides in our online option.
— Mathnasium Owner Simone Bellamy