COVID-19 Guide: Day + Overnight Camp Guidelines

While some camps have decided to cancel or move their programs online, some have decided to host in-person sessions. If your camper wants to attend a program this summer, here’s a breakdown of the Arkansas Department of Health guidelines. NOTE: This post addresses day and overnight camps, check our Team Sports post for directives on Sports Camps.
See the latest on camps via our Updated Ultimate Summer Camps Guide. Look for programs with green stars by the titled for those with updated information.
Day Camp Directives
Only campers and staff should be allowed in the facility, if possible.
Drop-off and pickup procedures should take place outside the facility, if possible.
Class size should be limited to 10 campers or less.
Social distancing should be implemented.
Mixing between groups of campers should be at a minimum.
No big group events, unless social distancing can be maintained.
No field trips are allowed.
Proper hand-washing is encouraged.
Regular cleaning of high-touch areas is required.
Meals and snacks should be served in individual portions.
Campers should be screened daily. Campers should not be allowed into the facility if they have any of the following:
Fever above 100.4 in the last two days.
Symptoms including cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat or loss of taste or smell.
Exposure to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
See the ADH directive for more information.
Overnight Camps
Overnight camps should follow all of the day camp recommendations for:
Limiting people in the facility.
Following drop-off and pickup procedures out of the facility.
Limiting group sizes/mingling.
Implementing social distancing and limiting large group events.
Skipping all field trips.
Encouraging healthy hygiene.
Enforcing regular cleaning and sanitizing.
Performing daily screening of campers and staff for fever and any symptoms.
In addition, overnight camps should:
Consider having all staff and campers:
Quarantine for 14 days before camp session.
Get tested four days before camp begins.
If the camp does not require the 14 day quarantine and test before their session, all staff and campers are required to wear masks unless eating or exercising.
Sick children or staff should be immediately isolated and returned to their home as soon as possible. Camps should have a medical evaluation team and testing facility selected in the event that any campers or staff members become ill.
Social distancing is recommended as much as possible. Overnight camps should also work to create distance in the cabins, shower facilities and meal hall:
Cabins - beds should be limited in each cabin and placed head to toe to meet social distancing guidelines.
Showers - times should be staggered to eliminate group mingling.
Meal time - food should be plated by staff, meal times should be staggered and single-use dishes and utensils should be used as much as possible. Consider serving meals in cabins for better social distancing.
See ADH directive for more information.