COVID-19 Guide: Team Sport Requirements

Now that we’ve all mastered the art of social distancing, it’s time to begin a slow and steady reintroduction to society. A phased approach to lifting limitations was implemented on June 1 for community-based and school-sponsored team sports. Here’s what you need to know.
The Gist
Maintain minimum physical distancing of 6 feet between participants at all times, except when actively participating in the sports activity.
Athletes, coaches, and staff must pass a Q&A screening prior to any activity.
Coaches and staff must have a temperature below 100.5 degrees, confirmed by digital thermometer, prior to entry.
Face coverings that completely cover the nose and mouth are required for everyone 10 years of age or older. Athletes may remove face coverings only when actively participating in the sports activity and only if the covering is inhibitory to the activity.
Use of communal spas, showers, saunas or other similar equipment is prohibited.
Locker rooms may only be used for storage of personal items, and social distancing of 6 feet should be maintained within.
Avoid non-sport related personal contact at all times (no high-fives or chest bumping, please).
Close-Contact Sports
Close-contact sports include: basketball, wrestling, football, cheerleading, dance, volleyball, soccer and martial arts
Team practice and/or competition is prohibited due to the close personal contact that is required or anticipated. Individual practice is permitted.
Cheerleading and Dance may practice under this directive.
Conditioning and training may occur if the following conditions are implemented in addition to the general requirements:
Group size must be sufficiently limited to maintain 6 feet between each person, including staff, whenever in an indoor or outdoor enclosed space.
When engaging in anything requiring vigorous exercise, proper spacing from others must be maintained by working out with 12 feet between each person.
Spotters are allowed on the outside of weight bars on each side, for safety reasons.
Limited-Contact Sports
Limited-contact sports include: baseball, softball, golf, track and field, cross country, bowling, tennis, gymnastics, shooting sports, swimming and individual dance competitions.
Competition is allowed for participants of any age. However, individuals exceeding 65 years and/or with underlying health conditions should refrain.
Practice for all ages may be permitted so long as the same group conditions are implemented: group size must allow 6 feet between each person (including staff) or 12 feet in the event of vigorous exercise.
When appropriate, participants should provide their own equipment if possible. If shared equipment is used, frequent disinfection is required during events and between each use.
Read the full directive here for all guidelines and specifics. These measures will remain in place until certain data indicates that it is safe to further relax them. The directive will be reevaluated on June 30.