Little Rock Family Ultimate All-School Guide: LR Hall STEAM Magnet High School

Mission Statement
Through effective instruction and appropriate assessment, with the involvement of the family and community, Hall High faculty and staff will work collaboratively to create a safe, positive learning environment in which students from diverse cultures will gain the essential knowledge and skills to become productive citizens in a global society.
Exciting Projects
Career Paths of Opportunity - Little Rock Hall STEAM Magnet High School will offer a path for students interested in studying a specific career area while in high school. The school will be organized into a ninth grade academy as well as three career academies focusing on computer science, health care and media arts. Additionally, Hall High School will be the only sanctioned LRSD school to offer esports gaming! Esports promotes conceptual thinking, teamwork and sportsmanship through online gaming competitions.
Innovative Teaching Methods
Career academies at Little Rock Hall STEAM Magnet High School will offer a recommended sequence of courses focused on a particular career area. Academies also include an array of experiential learning opportunities such as career mentors, field trips, guest speakers, job shadowing and internships that serve to connect students to real world experiences associated with their selected career theme.
Learning Environment & Curriculum
Students will have the opportunity to explore the world of health care and science through Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science. Working with the same tools as professionals, students will engage in hands-on activities to solve real-world problems. Students will also have the opportunity to take coding and robotics to a whole new level – featuring project-based learning in a hands-on, high-tech lab. Graphic design and 3D imaging will also be available as a career path of opportunity.
Hall is proud to be in a district that historically has had the most National Merit Semifinalists in Arkansas. Hall seniors are among the LRSD students who have annually received $20 million-plus in scholarships to colleges and universities in Arkansas and across the country.
The STEAM-based programs of study within the Computer Application Pathway will feature Possible Pathway Expansions, to include: Robotics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Hardware/Device Design, Networking, Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Mobile App Design.
School History
Since opening in 1957, Hall High School has been dedicated to the academic achievement of all its students. It remains one of only three Arkansas public schools admitted (1963) to the National Cum Laude Society, the high school equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa. The Cum Laude Society recognizes academic achievement in secondary schools for the purpose of promoting excellence, justice and honor.

PRINCIPAL: Dr. Mark Roberts
SCHOOL MOTTO: "Focusing on the future, and teaching and equipping students with 21st century global readiness."
GRADES: 9-12
► ACT Aspire Testing will be conducted during the month of April.
► Graduation at Simmons Bank Arena is scheduled for May 19 at 8:30 p.m.
6700 H Street
Little Rock