Meet Elijah, Central Arkansas’ Cutest Baby

After we received more than 100 entries for our Cutest Baby Photo Contest, Little Rock Family picked out 44 adorable finalists (no easy task).
But the public had an even more difficult job: choosing the winner!
After the votes were tallied, the adorable Elijah came out on top. He stopped by for a quick photo shoot and we got the scoop from his mom, Sarah, on his personality, her favorite part of parenting and more.
Full Name
Elijah Thomas Harrell, which is a family name on his dad’s side.
May 17, 2018
Sarah and Ryan Harrell
Favorite Activities
Peekaboo, reading together and flirting with his therapists and teachers at The Allen School.
What Makes Him Unique
His ability to light up any room. Eli also has Down syndrome and was born with a heart defect known as a complete atrioventricular canal defect. He had open heart surgery to repair it at 4 months old and spent 172 days at Arkansas Children’s Hospital after he was born before he was able to come home. He has brightened our home ever since!
What Makes Him Laugh
His daddy.
Your Favorite Thing About Parenthood
The love and joy he brings into our lives.
What You're Most Looking Forward to
Watching him see the world through his own eyes.