Meet Our 2019 Cutest Baby Winner!

Congratulations to Elijah, the winner of our 2019 Cutest Baby Photo Contest!
After we received more than 100 entries for our Cutest Baby Photo Contest, Little Rock Family picked out 44 adorable finalists (no easy task!). But the public had an even more difficult job: choosing the winner!
We've tallied the votes and now we've got your top five babies right here! Starting with our winner, the precious Elijah! You can look for his photo in the October issue of Little Rock Family.

But we couldn't stop with just one — so here's who rounded out the top five.
In second place, adorable Victoria took home the silver!

Spunky Kyndal stepped in to third place.

Handsome Khari swooped in for fourth!

And sweet Canton closed out our top five.

A huge thank you to all the parents out there who submitted a photo of your precious little one! Be on the lookout for more fun contests and giveaways from Little Rock Family.