How to Help Clean Up Miracle League's Field

Play ball!
Those are the words that Miracle League athletes are waiting to hear — but the play can't start until the ballfield is cleaned and restored to safe conditions.
Miracle League is a program that allows individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities to play on a baseball team.
When the Arkansas River went through historic flooding earlier this summer, the field was underwater, causing serious damage. In order for athletes to be able to use the field, all of the 25,000 tiles must be cleaned and sanitized.
According to Miracle League Director Peggy McCall, its most helpful when there is a large group working together during a shift rather than just a couple people.
There are shifts available all week long, but she said the Saturday shift is where they'd love to see the most help. To sign up for a timeslot, click here.
Teenagers are welcome to sign up and volunteer as well, but McCall said any youth volunteers should be at least 13, since there are cleaning chemicals involved in the process and volunteers need to follow specific instructions.
The field is located on Water Works Drive in Little Rock and directions are available online.