9 Events for Weekend Family Fun

he Little Rock Zoo welcomed two new elephants, Sophie and Babe, who arrived Monday (Oct. 21) from the Niabi Zoo in Coal Valley, Ill.
Summer is speeding on by, but we're making the most of it!
Fancyful Fairytale Story Time at Whole Foods Market: Enjoy storytime with the Snow Queen, sing along to her performance of “Let it Go" and get your picture taken with her afterwards! A craft and snack will also be provided by Whole Foods Market. The fun goes from 10-10:45 a.m. Click here for more info. FREE!
Tie-Dye Fri-dye at Garvan Gardens: The Gardens is getting groovy! Don your tie-dye attire to celebrate with a beer garden (for mom and dad), live music, Flossie’s food truck and Blue Elephant snow cones from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Everyone can cool off at designated sprinkler stations located in the Children’s Garden and at the Ellipse. Admission is $15 for adults and $5 for kids ages 4-12. Click here for more info.
Family Night at Wild River Country: Spend a hot evening splashing around with the whole family! From 7-10 p.m., admission is only $15 per person. Purchase tickets in advance online or grab them at the gate.
Watermelon Crawl at Scott Melons and More: Join the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance for a fun morning of watermelon picking! Volunteers gather in the field to help pick and load watermelons for transport, and everyone enjoys traditional harvest games. Plus, everyone receives a free T-shirt, water bottle and lunch. Sign up and get more details online. FREE!
Summer Freeze at the Little Rock Zoo: From 10 a.m.-2 pm. you can stay cool at the Zoo! The day starts with ice sculptures at the Elephant Yard, the Snow Queen stops by Café Africa at lunch and there's even a water melon eating contest between the Little Rock Fire Department and the elephants! See the full schedule here. Regular admission applies.
Full STEAM Ahead at Walmart (North Little Rock): This family-friendly event is bringing you a day of engaging activities that parents and kids will love. Stop by the store to tie-dye your own shirt, make your own slime or make a cereal necklace. Activities are free and go from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Click here for details. FREE!
Storytime with Susanne Brunner at Museum of Discovery: KARK anchor Susanne Brunner is debuting her first book, "Busker the Tusker" at a mini book tour around central Arkansas. At the Museum of Discovery at 11 a.m., she'll do a reading, book signing and Q&A. Click here for more info. FREE!
Summer Tea Party at Castle on Stagecoach: Join The Island Princess, The Little Mermaid, and The Arabian Princess at a real castle right here in Little Rock! Little guests can enjoy a ride in a horse-drawn carriage; take photos; and sing, dance and laugh with the princesses. Tea time is 12:30 p.m. and tickets are $60 for adults and $50 for kids. Call 501-960-0658 to reserve a spot.
"Mary Poppins" at Murry's Dinner Playhouse: Everyone’s favorite, practically perfect nanny takes the stage in this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious musical adventure. Meals are served all-you-can-eat buffet style and showtimes are listed online. Tickets start at $25 and must be purchased over the phone by calling 501-562-3131. Click here for more details.