12 Artsy Products to Spark Your Kids’ Creativity
by Little Rock Family Staff on 2/25/2019 12:00am

Want to help spark your kids’ creativity? These artsy tools and products are sure to inspire your little Van Gogh.

Andy Warhol Campbell’s Tomato Soup, 18 Crayons
$9.99 | Arkansas Arts Center

Ooly Lil’ Poster Paint Pods
$11.95 | Arkansas Arts Center

Yuko Higuchi Croquis Book
$9.95 | Art Outfitters

Master Kitz Water Lilies by Claude Monet
$19.95 | Museum of Discovery

Glow-in-the-Dark Embroidery
$15.95 | Museum of Discovery

Art Making with MoMA Action Painting Kit
$35.95 | Museum of Discovery

$15.95 | Arkansas Arts Center

Constructibles Design Patterns
$13.99 | Arkansas Arts Center

Go Fish for Van Gogh & Friends Card Game + Book
$12.95 | Museum of Discovery

Fashion Spray Tie Dye Kit
$19.99 | Art Outfitters

Progresso Woodless Colored Pencils
95¢ each
Ice Cream Sandwich Zipper Pouch
$6.95 | Art Outfitters