You Can Now Check Out Educational Toys From Nixon Library
Playing can be just as educational as reading, and now kids can check out toys from the Nixon Library to encourage learning through play.
Gran Gran’s Toy Library is now open inside Central Arkansas Library System's Nixon Library. The toy library will be open Wednesday and Friday mornings from 11:15-11:45 a.m., immediately following the children’s programs on those days. Library card holders will be able to check out two educational toys per visit.
Toys for borrowing include, but are not limited to, dolls & accessories, ride-on toys, costumes, a variety of blocks, Duplo sets, cars, trucks, mazes, play food, push toys, and walkers.These toys are appropriate for children ages 6 months to 5 years old.
The toy collection is donated in honor of Ruth Nita Nixon Wilson, a lifelong Jacksonville resident and grandmother of nine. Wilson was also a close friend of Esther Dewitt Nixon, for whom the Nixon Library is named.