Head of the Class 2018: Elizabeth Meneses, Jacksonville High School

Elizabeth Meneses
Jacksonville High School
GPA: 4.078
Honors/Achievements: National Honor Society, Arkansas Governor's School, Beta Club, Top Titan Award and Honor Roll.
College Attending: University of Arkansas.
Career Goal: I plan to major in communications and possibly obtain a career in public relations or journalism.
Favorite Memory from High School: Performing my final color guard routine as part of the Titan marching band on senior night. Then, sharing a final marching band moment with the band members as we played our alma mater.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: My high school band director for the past two years, Mr. Stevenson, has been such an incredible inspiration and motivational figure in my life! He works so hard to make his band the best it can be, even when he is in bad health, and always remains positive. Mr. Stevenson has such a remarkable passion for his profession, and I hope to find a career where I will be able to feel the exact same way!
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!