Head of the Class 2018: Samuel Rhee, Episcopal Collegiate School

Samuel Rhee
Episcopal Collegiate School
GPA: 4.4551
Honors/Achievements: U.S. Presidential Scholar Candidate; National Merit Finalist; Arkansas Children’s Hospital Stella Boyle Smith Summer Science Scholar; National Honor Society, National Junior Classical League Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society; National Forensics League Certificate of Excellence; 2x Arkansas Governor’s Quiz Bowl All Star; 2x Arkansas All-State Mixed Choir.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Virginia, Duke University, Boston College and Brown University.
Career Goal: Run the Boston Celtics' front office.
Favorite Memory from High School: While any time I got to spend with my friends, teammates and fellow actors is special to me, I will always treasure bus rides to and from quiz bowl tournaments, playing silly driving games and laughing hysterically.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Ms. Conyer, my English teacher of two years, has given me an incredible amount of support and intellectual freedom in her classroom. I have grown as a person exponentially in that time due largely to her help.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!