Head of the Class 2018: D'aija Wilborn, Hall High School of the Little Rock School District

D'aija Wilborn
Hall High School
GPA: 3.4
Honors/Achievements: Senior board president, president of Future Business Leaders of America, member of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, A/B honor roll, National Honor Society scholar and Trojan Pathway scholar.
College Attending: University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Career Goal: I plan to earn a bachelor’s in speech pathology and my master’s in psychology. With those degrees, I envision myself building something that will not only help others, but will also help them to live a more healthy lifestyle.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from Hall would have to be the day we went on a class trip on spring break. We toured different colleges and I just had an overall amazing time with amazing people.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Ms. Gray, our school's career coach is one of the most inspiring people I've come to know. Her hard work and dedication to see us succeed gave me a change of heart on what I wanted to become in life and she had a part in giving me a vision and goal I want to set for myself.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!