Head of the Class 2018: Nicholas Powell, Little Rock Christian Academy

Nicholas Powell
Little Rock Christian Academy
GPA: 4.51
Honors/Achievements: Honor roll; 2018 Arkansas Times Academic All-Star; departmental honors for English, Biblical worldview and social studies; distinguished scholar in science and math; silver medal placement on the National Spanish Exam, levels two and three; played Captain von Trapp in “The Sound of Music” at LRCA; cross-country Warrior Award; president of Kindergarten Club; vice president of Science Olympiads and cross-country junior varsity team captain.
Colleges Accepted to: Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Arkansas, Colorado School of Mines, Rochester Institute of Technology and University of Tulsa.
Career Goal: I plan to become a biomedical engineer after college and possibly specialize in prosthetics. I am interested in researching and developing new biomedical devices that can improve the lives of people around the world.
Favorite Memory from High School: For my senior year, my capstone project was 3D printing a functional prosthetic hand for someone in need of one. My favorite memory from high school would have to be the smile of pure joy on the recipient’s face as I told her about her new prosthesis.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mrs. Olga Probst, my 10th grade pre-AP chemistry and 11th grade AP chemistry teacher, showed me how to live a life dedicated to the sciences but devoted to God at the same time. Her enthusiasm for chemistry, her students and her faith was evident every day, encouraging me to grow academically and spiritually.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!