Head of the Class 2018: Hannah Cheatham, Little Rock Christian Academy

Hannah Cheatham
Little Rock Christian Academy
GPA: 4.41
Honors/Achievements: Academic achievement awards in French, Biblical worldview and world geography; ranked No. 5 in Arkansas for the National French II Exam; honor roll student; adjutant general and outstanding citizen for city in 2017 Girls State; Non-Commissioned Officer Award of the 2016 Arkansas Encampment; Commander's Commendation Award for Outstanding Duty Performance at 2016 Young Women in Aviation Conference; Junior Officer of the Year Award for Arkansas Wing 2016; Cadet of the Year Award for Little Rock Composite Squadron and Arkansas Wing and Southwest Region in 2017; Meritorious Service Award for Civil Air Patrol 2017; Wright Brothers, Billy Mitchell and Earhart Awards in Civil Air Patrol; Cadet Commander for the 042nd Little Rock Composite Squadron.
College Attending: U.S. Air Force Academy
Career Goal: My career goal is to graduate from the Air Force Academy and commission as an officer to serve in a special ops position overseas.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from high school is from this last cross-country season when we won state. It was amazing to see the final result of our hard work and how God worked through the entire team to bring us closer together not just by the end result, but through the journey and hardships along the way.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mrs. Probst has taught me what it means to persevere and has shown me the importance of pushing myself and expanding my horizons in order to not only grow as a person but to grow in my walk with Christ.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!