Head of the Class 2018: Amanda Young, Central Arkansas Christian

Amanda Young
Central Arkansas Christian
GPA: 4.2619
Honors/Achievements: Member of Beta Club, National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta; seven awards for the the top rank in individual classes including Spanish 2 and AP language and composition.
College Attending: University of Arkansas.
Career Goal: Physician's assistant.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memories from high school are those that I have with my teammates on the bus going to soccer games, late nights in our hotel rooms talking before tournaments and the feelings of fulfillment and joy when our hard work paid of in the form of back-to-back state championships.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Ms. Noble truly made a difference in my life starting in 10th grade with how she grounded me in my studies and prepared me for my later AP and college courses. Her constantly kind and caring actions have supported me and provided me with opportunities throughout my high school career.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!