Head of the Class 2018: Kennedy Young, Pulaski Academy

Kennedy Young
Pulaski Academy
GPA: 4.544
Honors/Achievements: Member of National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, North Little Rock Mayor's Youth Council and Beta Club; Girl's State Supreme Court Justice; class of 2018 Miss Alpha Phi Alpha Sweetheart Debutante award; Veritas Literary Journal; St. Lawrence Book Award Recipient; district winner in DAR Good Citizen Essay Contest, Student Council representative and Washington University Ervin scholar.
Colleges Attending: Washington University in St. Louis.
Career Goal: After college, I hope to attend law school to become an attorney. Eventually, I would like to join the public service sector as a judge or politician.
Favorite Memory from High School: I have enjoyed being a member of the North Little Rock Mayor's Youth Council and volunteering at Canvas Community Church on Wednesday evenings. I have developed some pretty spectacular friendships because of Canvas!
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mr. Bill Topich, my senior thesis and honors international studies teacher, has helped me find my voice and taught me the importance of intellectual curiosity and civic engagement.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!