Give Back This Season Through Arkansas Children's Hospital's Toy Drive

It's never to early to instill a spirit of giving in your kids.
While, for little ones, the holidays are often all about getting presents, Arkansas Children's Hospital is providing an opportunity to make it about giving.
On Friday, Dec. 11 from 6 a.m.-6 p.m., ACH is accepting new toys through the Festival of Stars Toy and Donation Drive. Festival of Stars donations benefit patients who spend the holiday season receiving medical treatment. Toy donations will be delivered to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Arkansas Children’s Northwest and Arkansas Children’s Hospital clinics.
The event is a perfect excuse to take your kids shopping with an attitude of giving. They can choose a toy that will make someone else's day rather than their own.
Click here for a complete list of locations acception donations during the toy drive. There are also donation wish lists available to help make choosing items easier. Don't have time to shop? Monetary donations are also accepted online.
For more advice on how to inspire a spirit of generosity in your kids, check out this article from our December issue.