Girls of Promise Invites Students to Help Promote Computer Science Education
Although computer science classes are now mandatory in Arkansas public schools, women and minorities are still under-represented in that sector.
Girls of Promise is working to change that through the CSforAR PSA Campaign. The campaign invites teams of two to five students to brainstorm and develop a pitch idea that would encourage girls and minority students to enroll in computer science education classes.
The pitch and competition are aimed at grades 6-12. Teams must be made up of at least half female students and there is a minimum of two members per team.
But these pitches aren't just for fun — the goal is for the winning PSA to be devloped into a commercially produced announcement that will be revealed at the Girls of Promise Coding Summit in December.
Submissions are due Sept. 22.
For more details on the CSforAR PSA Campaign and to submit an entry, click here.