Mind Your Manners Offers Discounts for Manners-Palooza

Etiquette seems like a lost art, but it's refreshing to see kids with good manners. In business, manners are key and without that valuable tool, some parents worry their kids might fall behind. Mind Your Manners etiquette school has a local presence in Little Rock and is offering discounts until June 18.
The company offers manners and etiquette classes for ages 6-17, with a variety of options available depending on the age group. The school also offers private workshops and pop-up events.
Upcoming events in the area include:
- Back-to-School Manners Boot Camp on Aug. 12 from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Rock City Dance Center for $50 per student.
- Dining Etiquette for ages 6-17 on July 15 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Saddle Creek Woodfire Grill in Little Rock for $45 per student.
- Cotillion, a workshop for sixth-eighth grade students to learn traditional dance, broaden their social interactions, hone their manners and learn new etiquette skills. There are monthly classes from September to March that take place at the Rock City Dance Center. The cost is $250 per student.
There are also private group lessons available with custom lessons and rates. For more information, visit the website, call (800) 675-7109 or email Inquiries@MindYourMannersEtiquette.com.