Board games are good for kids — they're wholesome fun and great for intellectual development. The only thing missing is getting them on their feet!

McMath Library has a way to accomplish all of that. Life-Size Gaming is at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3 at the library. The event is for kids ages 12 and older. McMath offers a variety of huge games that kids can play with friends or other attendees.

For one of the games, a tic-tac-toe board is marked out on the floor with tape and kids throw bean bags into the square to mark their plays. There is also a Connect Four-style board set up on the wall with large discs for the kids drop in to try to get four in a row. Finally, a 3-and-a-half-feet tall Jenga set is available for kids to play. When someone loses, it's much more dramatic at that size.

For more information, call (501) 225-0066 or visit the library's website.