Duck Duck Goose fall/winter consignment sale has thousands of items — and, even better, they've all been screened for quality and organized by size and sex on racks, so you're not going to spend hours pawing fruitlessly through a discouraging mess in search of something that will fit your child.

The sale, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday (new items are added from 8 a.m.-noon) and Saturday (Sept. 16-17), is happening at the state Fairgrounds, 2600 Howard St., Little Rock (take Exit 139A from Interstate 30; enter fairgrounds  at Howard Street entrance).

Admission is free. 

A special half-price event will be held from 7-9:30 p.m. Friday. Admission is $3. It continues at 7 a.m. Saturday, when admission is again free. 

Shopping tips: Bring a written list of your kids' clothing and shoe sizes, but don't bring the kids. And bring a laundry basket or tote to carry your purchases. Get there early for the best selection.

For more information click here.