Rhea Lana's Consignment Event Coming to Jacksonville

Warmer weather is peeking around the corner — good luck fitting the kids into their spring clothes from a year ago, though. Good thing there's a cheap way to shop for kids' clothes coming up.
Rhea Lana's will host its biannual consignment event for the greater Little Rock area from Feb. 5-11 in Jacksonville's old Walmart building at 612 North J.P. Wright Loop Road.
Rhea Lana's takes "gently-worn" kids' clothes from families and sells those items for them. Consignors get to keep 70 percent of their sales. Rhea Lana's also sells baby equipment, toys and children's furniture. Admission and parking for the traveling event is free.
Consignors (those interested in selling items) may register online. Families can also check their eligibility on the site for a mom-to-be pass to the Rhea Lana's pre-sale from 3-9 p.m. on Feb. 4. This pre-sale open to consignors, volunteers and moms-to-be.
Visit the website for more information.