Born in early November, a new little penguin is now out and about for zoo visitors to see. This was the first chick for Laura and Domino (mommy and daddy penguin).

The penguin hatched on Nov. 2 but has been behind the scenes in a nest box for the last month. 

Zoo keepers have been working with the baby penguin to make sure it is comfortable around people as it grows up. This is the seventh chick that has hatched at the Little Rock Zoo. 

For now, the chick will be visible through the conservation room window of the Penguin Pointe exhibit. It will join the rest of the colony when it’s about 3 months old and big enough to be around adult penguins.

The zoo plans to hold a naming contest via social media once blood test results come back and the gender of the penguin is known. 

The Little Rock Zoo is open every day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. during the winter (through Feb. 28).