10 Tips to Make Holiday Road Trips More Enjoyable

We’ve all been there: the dreaded holiday road trip. Just the mention of a long car ride is enough to cause crying, moaning and flashbacks of trips past. The first thing that parents must do is recognize the warning signs for issues and take steps to counter them before they grow out of control.
Angela Ford, LCSW, program coordinator for Methodist Family Health suggests a few strategies that we all can use to help make that trip to Grandma’s house more enjoyable.
1. Get a good night’s sleep.
Make sure everyone gets enough sleep the night before. Nobody is at their best with only a few hours of sleep.
2. Pack the car the night before.
This helps to minimize parental stress while trying to get everything ready to leave.
3. Discuss expectations prior to the trip.
With expectations already set, all you have to do is provide reminders for appropriate behaviors. It can help minimize anxiety if children know what is expected of them and what to expect during the trip. Remember, any change in routine can bring stress for children. Make sure to build in relaxation and reconnection time with the kids.
4. Don’t forget snacks and water.
Nothing says a cranky child – or adult – like hunger or dehydration. Don’t forget wet wipes or paper towels for sticky situations!

5. Stop frequently.
Incorporate fun stops along the way, not just bathroom breaks. Use this time to see a new sight or get out and stretch as a family. Yoga, anyone? Stops help alleviate the boredom and break up the “are we there yet?” comments.
6. Use sticky notes for long trips.
Place one sticky note for every hour on the car window. This allows children to visually see the progression of the trip with the removal of each sticky note. Plus, they can count how many hours are left by the remaining sticky notes.
7. Pack a bag of goodies for the kids.
Pack a few of your child’s favorite things in a bag to help make the time pass. Things to Include: favorite books, color safe markers, fidget toys, calming bottle, magnetic car games, card games, felt books, etc. If you’re on a long trip, wait until a few hours in to let them use everything in the bag.
8. Play games.
There are plenty of ways to make the ride more enjoyable for both parents and kids. Next time you’re on the road try out a few of these games: alphabet games, memory games, license plate games, sentence games, I Spy, scavenger hunts with road signs, and silly story prompts that each family member joins in to create.
9. Don’t forget a small blanket for each child.
This can help calm, provide comfort and warmth, and gives them a way to bring a piece of home with them on the trip.
10. Last but not least: have fun.
This is a time with family. Enjoy each other and live in the spirit of the holiday.